Saturday, May 7, 2011

Sometimes in life there comes a time for a great and necessary pause.   This is part of the creative cycle of ebbs and flows.  One periodically needs to refill the creative well, to paraphrase Ms. Julia Cameron ala The Artist's Way, or to expend creative energies in other ventures, outlets, manifestations for a while and return to that which is second nature whence replenished by an unlikely fuel source.  In this case, all of my juice is currently being directed elsewhere- into a new and engrossing creative project, inspired by the recent experiences I have shared, neigh, am sharing, with my beloved mother.  It will be my concerted attempt to transform some of life's most grating struggles into images of the universally human: peace, truth, experience and expression.

The summer is a perfect time for a hiatus anyway- there is the inclination to go outdoors and fill the well with spring's smells, colors, mildness of heat and blissful sunlight afternoons that lead into long dusky evenings.  No one's readin' blogs anyway 'bout now...

I may show up unannounced now and then, but will otherwise be taking this time for myself and the things and people I treasure (which DO include writing on this blog, don't get me wrong!).  I will emerge on the other side of my stay-cation brimming, I am quite sure.

Até logo/Bis bald/A bientôt/Hasta pronto