Saturday, January 29, 2011

Good day

Man, its unbelievable how a productively creative day at the studio can change my whole mood, my whole outlook on life and the future; how I apparently glow with joy generated by the day of creative work, rather than exude that retracting aura, folding in on itself day after day of time lost at the other "work".

This good day was prefaced by a casual waking, some daydreaming in bed to set myself up for the day, dream recording, a morning stroll for a cup of coffee and a healthy hearty breakfast to carry me through the ride to my art studio and the hours ahead. 

At the studio, of course, I'm working on the Love Show piece,
for Love Show, in progress
which by the end of the night is coming together nicely and with promise.  But I like to have a few things flowing at a time to quell the downtime in which I might fall out of the creative current, so I also paid gentle attention to a new piece, that has been ongoing, and which has a special destination when its identity is intact.  Check it out:
garden (?)

Usually after 5 or 6 hours at the easel I get bleary-eyed and dehydrated, back crinkled from too much bending to 'get in there', but today I marathoned through at least seven hours of solid work time un-phased.  And with glorious results.  I love when this happens.

To my pleasant surprise, it was nice out tonight too, the stars making a rare but appreciated appearance in the winter night sky.  And I rode my bike fast and hard breathing the air into my lungs and feeling the night whizzing by, scooting around traffic lights and intermittent cars, feeling my heart beating, thinking the world was mine, time was on my side, reminding me that by fortune and blessing, I am alive.  And well.  And in the zone.

Yes, it was a good day.

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