Tuesday, January 11, 2011

more ones...

I couldn't go without mentioning the second series of ones that this month and this year have to offer:

more ones?? I feel it in my bones...good things are happening people!  I have been saying this for a week and a half now, and seem to be in unison with everyone around me.  So why do we all feel fortune and opportunity on the horizon?

Because it's the year of the rabbit.  And most of us have had a trying, perhaps deeply internally rewarding, but trying last year. No?

'year of the rabbit', mixed media.  part of 'Work' of Art series (#5)
The 'year of the rabbit' in Chinese astrology (which begins on February 3rd), 2011 is supposed to be a universally calm year of moderation, relaxation and ease.  The rabbit being a symbol of endurance and related to the moon, this year will grant us all a little reprieve from the brutal Tiger-ness of last year.  We won't worry too much about money, regulation, structure or unease.  How nice!  We can put off all the undesirable aspects of life 'til next year and for the moment manifest some sweet sweet goodness!
So, dream big and seize the day, the week, the year.  Practice mindfulness and peacefulness, be well, be active, and take a deep breath. Or a few...you've got a year to do....and a few more 'ones' in the bill on the other side of this, the year of the rabbit.

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